Download Ebook My Life So Far

Download Ebook My Life So Far

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My Life So Far

My Life So Far

My Life So Far

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My Life So Far

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 21 hours and 29 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Books on Tape Release Date: August 29, 2005

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English

ASIN: B000CQK034

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I’ve actually read this book twice, once when it first came out and now again. And again, I’m struck by Jane’s candor. Her childhood was traumatic. She constantly strived for her father’s approval but he only seemed able to access his emotions on screen. Her mother committed suicide and Jane suffered guilt feeling she’d allowed her father’s detachment to affect her relationship with her mother. She never felt good enough and wanting to be perfect, she became secretly bulimic for decades. Due to her complicated relationship with her father, she chose to marry men who were also emotionally unavailable and was easily manipulated in her desire to please. Many women can relate to this as we tend to think of others and nurture them before ourselves, which is the core of the maternal instinct. Her narrative reflects many women’s in her conflict between her own needs and other’s and her path to feminism.I loved the stories about Jane’s career and movies and how the fitness videos came into being and took off. Jane takes us along on her evolving path while her life played out publicly. The rest of us don’t have to deal with that. Some people don’t like her because of lapses in judgment which she readily admits. How many of us have always made the perfect decisions? I believe her intentions have always been sincere and admire her activism with veterans and young women. She’s always striving to learn about herself and the world and her heart is in the right place. I admire her honesty in admitting her weaknesses, mistakes and pain. It takes courage.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this biography. For some reason I have always identified with Jane maybe because she's only three years older than I am and I enjoy her dry wit. Plus I think Barefoot the Park is the funniest movie I've ever seen. I completely relate to her description in the book of how women stifle themselves to please men, and her insights on numerous subjects she covers in the book. It's an informative, well-written, truthful story of Jane Fonda's extraordinary life. I highly recommend anyone who enjoys biographies to read this . You won't be disappointed, you'll be sorry it ended so soon.

I too grew up with the Jane Fonda Workout Videos. My mom and I would do the workout together. As I grew older I would hear snip-its of Jane's personal life reported about in the media. When I recently learned of her new Netflix show Grace and Frankie, I resubscribed to Netflix just so I could watch. I felt she could be a role model for me as I grow older. Then I discovered she wrote this book, and I've been riveted ever since downloading it to my kindle. I LOVE this book. It's exactly what I needed in my life right now. Jane's willingness to share her life experiences is touching, heart warming and inspirational. I highly recommend it.

i truly liked the beginning and the end. She gets kinda' bogged down in the middle with all her "Daddy Issues" but I guess it was a very large part of her development and why she was always trying to please him. So, while the knowing of the psyche was interesting, the going on and on, page after page got very redundant. Her Editor should have been more thorough in "their" job. All in all an interesting read and like how during her 20's and 30's she put it ALL out there and didn't try to frost over it and make excuses. She stood right up and admitted she was promiscuous for a period in her life and that also lead back to several early stage issues. She's a ballsy woman for sure, while still retaining her femininity. And all that Vietnam debacle was literally a media blow-up that kept perpetuating itself. And come on folks, haven't we all done something stupid in our youth?This is a solid, introspective and entertaining read.

Jane's explanation of why she went to North Vietnam and posed for a picture while sitting at an anti-aircraft gun did not convince me that she had not committed treason. Other aspects of her life story just confirmed that she was a pathetic person who couldn't even fix her own life while she was trying to help others fix theirs. Before I finished reading it, even the binding was rejecting it as pages began to fall out in the back of the book.

She stated she wanted to write a book to help women...well, that's her NEXT book. This book just talks about her life, and yes, if you want to go by the don't-follow-this-example, sure, that's helpful. But at the end of the book, she makes it seems like the answer to solving her life was getting her breast implants removed and then becoming Christian, even though she knows full well Christians do not believe in equality--she tries to justify this, and fails hard.Oh, but it does include an except from her NEXT book, which appears to be the "help" she promised. So, one star off for not giving the answers promised, and a second star off for it being an advertisement for another book.Her life is interesting, but those bothered by random name droppings (such as "My good friend Bonnie Rait..." whom she mentions in a sentence but never before or after) and those not interested in Hollywood trappings would do well to avoid this book. You see her lose herself over and over to men...but you never hear how she got out of that trapping--and you suspect she's alone at the end of it because she still doesn't know how not to lose herself to men.

This is one of the best autobiographies I have ever read!! It was one of those books I bought back when it first came out, set aside on a shelf, and just discovered over this past Christmas holiday. So sorry I waited so long to read it. Beautifully written, this book was a pure delight from beginning to end. I was actually sad to finish it - wanted more!Jane Fonda has lived an extraordinary life. And Ms. Fonda shared everything - both the good and the bad - with us in this excellent read. Don't be scared by its almost 600 pages! It is a captivating book and a real page-turner!Cannot recommend it enough! You will love it - and will not be able to put it down!

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