Free Ebook From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol

Free Ebook From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol

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From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol

From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol

From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol

Free Ebook From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol

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From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol


"Inspirational fare."--Kirkus

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About the Author

Lowey Bundy Sichol is the author of From an Idea to..., the world's first business and entrepreneurship biographies for kids, and the founder of Case Marketing, a specialized writing firm that composes MBA case studies for business schools. Her case studies have been read by MBA students across the globe and are included in the internationally best-selling marketing book, Marketing Management by Kotler & Keller. Lowey has an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and a BA from Hamilton College. She lives in the Chicago area with her family and two goofy dogs. Look for Lowey online at

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Product details

Age Range: 10 - 12 years

Grade Level: 5 - 7

Series: From an Idea to

Paperback: 112 pages

Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers (February 12, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1328453618

ISBN-13: 978-1328453617

Product Dimensions:

5.2 x 0.5 x 7.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

22 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#196,732 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is a really fun read for kids interested in how the Disney company got to where it is today. Kids can just read the main story, but if they want to dive deeper, there are "fun facts" in boxes scattered throughout. In addition, the author intersperses business concepts throughout in separate callouts. Elementary readers may not care about what "going public" is or what a CEO does, but for more involved readers, they can learn a lot about business as they go along. Add a bunch of great drawings throughout, and it's both a fun and educational read for kids.It's important to note this is NOT a Disney World guide or a biography of Walt Disney the man. Instead, it's the story of the Disney company (starting, of course, with Walt, but then moving throughout the entire history of the company).Overall highly recommended for kids 8-12.

We bought this immediately after finishing the”Nike” book by same author — we loved this one too! My kids couldn’t wait to read this. Just like the “Nike” book, the author made this business story extremely accessible and fun to read. We’ve never seen anything like this. Super book!

Kids will love this and the entire book series. Engaging, informative and fun!! I read the first two (this and Nike) cover to cover. Can’t wait for the next two to arrive this summer and I’m not even a kid.

Successfully written for 8-12 year olds. We loved the fun facts throughout the book. There is something for everybody including tips for what it takes to run a successful business, the power of an idea, and importance of passion. This book truly inspires the next generation of entrepreneurs!

I thought this was a great way to start to introduce some business knowledge to my kids. The topic was fun and engaging. My child liked to tell me the fun facts along the way! This is a great book and so glad we have this resource available to us!

It was so cool to learn about Walt Disney's family and how he grew up and how Mickey Mouse came about. I loved it and learned a lot.

Very well done and learned a lot!

This is such an interesting book written for the Junior High audience. It covers two topics: 1. A biography of Walt Disney and 2. A book on business.The Bio part covers one of the most interesting and innovative men of our times, Walt Disney. His childhood, his dreams and the fruition of his visions.The business study shows how he developed his thoughts in the empire that is Disney. Even after his death his ideas continued to grow via Michael Eisner and Bob Iger.Throughout the book are sidebars that give definitions of topics being addressed plus there is a continuing box of Walt Disney’s quotations that are very motivational to young readers. This is a good book to give to your young ones with hopes, aspirations and goals. It proves to them that, as Walt Disney himself said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”.

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From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol PDF

From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol PDF

From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol PDF
From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic, by Lowey Bundy Sichol PDF
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