Free PDF The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis

Free PDF The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis

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The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis

The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis

The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis

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The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis


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About the Author

Ron Davis, was functionally illiterate until age 38 when he discovered how to mentally orient his perceptions. He later took technical courses and became a successful engineer, businessman and artist. He has since dedicated his life to helping people with the gift of dyslexia achieve literacy and self-esteem.

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Product details

Paperback: 286 pages

Publisher: Perigee Books; Revised & enlarged edition (February 23, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0399535667

ISBN-13: 978-0399535666

Product Dimensions:

5.4 x 0.6 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

197 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#7,980 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I never write reviews but felt I must for this book. My daughter is dyslexic. This book was recommend by someone I highly respect therefore I ignored the negative reviews. I'm glad I did. This book has completely changed my daughter's ability to learn. Davis is definitely not a scam artist and he doesn't need any degrees to validate the success of his program. Since he is dyslexic, he understands how their minds work; something a nondyslexic person can not fatham. Plus, this program has helped thousands since he developed it decades ago. Dyslexic children do not learn with phonics. A hammer is a useful tool, but if you beat someone over the head with it, it becomes a murder weapon. My child knows her phonics rules but she still couldn't read without a laborious process that was causing her to hate reading. The step by step instructions in this book set her free. I was skeptical after I read through the process but, she responded EXACTLY as the author said she would. The process may seem bizarre to a nondyslexic but just do it. I was amazed. Thank you Ron Davis!

I bought the previous version of this book more than 8 years ago. I was 21, and although I would've been ashamed to have admitted it then, I hadn't read a single book cover to cover in my 21 years, including school assignments. I had really struggled in school through my entire childhood and teenage years, and nobody really understood why. I failed every English class in high school. I just wasn't able to read, and it was immensely frustrating. I tested very well, and was clearly intelligent. I got deeply involved in computer programming from a very early age, so my intelligence level was high enough. I could write in English just fine. Yet I still struggled. Nobody ever diagnosed me with dyslexia, but this book looked interesting, so I bought it on a whim.By the time I bought this book, I was doing well working in the computer industry, but I never really understood why I couldn't read. Well, to be clear, I could *read* and understand words; I wasn't illiterate by any means, but I found it impossible to get through more than a few pages of text. I had severe reading comprehension problems. My mind would read ahead, wander around, and mis-read things, and I would have to read and re-read the same text many times to really understand it (if I cared enough to learn it, as I did for computer programming).I read this book (slowly and painfully at first, as always), and had a bit of an epiphany. I have applied Mr. Davis's techniques using the "mind's eye", and in the past 8 years I have read literally hundreds of books cover to cover. I now love reading, and pick up a new book at least once a week.I still find myself struggling with my dyslexia if I am too tired, but that's the only time his techniques are not completely automatic. After years of practice, it's entirely automatic. I also (when possible) carefully choose printed books based on their typesetting (and choose the font on my computer carefully), which helps immensely as well -- I never knew that fonts and spacing could make such a difference before reading this book.Mr. Davis's explanations of the differences in the workings of the mind -- the way that dyslexics can comprehend three dimensional objects in a different way than non-dyslexics -- made so much sense to me. I've always had a very high aptitude for science, mechanics, and complex systems. I've had the ability to visualize all sides of three dimensional objects, with no effort, and I've always thought this was perfectly normal. Of course I wouldn't trade that ability, that aptitude, for normal reading. Just thinking of dyslexia as a different way of visualizing rather than a disorder is a huge leap in dealing with it.I know there are a number of negative reviews of this book, claiming that it's pseudoscience, there's no research, or that the techniques seem "silly". Personally, I don't care. The ability to read, to really read and comprehend (and quickly, at that!), has made such an enormous difference in my life that I recommend this book to everyone who will listen. If I had read this book when I was 10 years old rather than 21, I can't imagine how much it would've changed my early years.Please, if you have a child who is struggling through school but you know to be super smart, read this book and *try it*.Very gratefully indebted to Mr. Davis,Jeremy Cole

A MUST READ!!! The WORLD needs to read this great book!!!!! It IS a gift if handled right...just look at the list of those who are dyslexic.....Jay Leno for one! ZILLIONS of Dyslexic's out there doing great work if some small minded idiot school teacher doesn't destroy them! We ALL need to get "with it' and understand what this really means. has NOTHING to do with ignorance. It's a GIFT if handled right!!! My brillant grandson, a dyslexic, was told in first grade that they were going to tie a rope around his desk so he could not get out and walk around the classroom. STUPID IDIOTS! Dyslexic's learn BEST if they walk while they learn. Grrrr! We got him the RIGHT kind of help from INTELLIGENT people so his college work was an easy walk for him plus learning all the codes necessary to become a strong, loving, wonderful police officer in Houston, Texas!!I

I am a neuropsychologist and supervised dyslexia assessment for more than a decade. This idea was new to me. I tried it on a bright child, whom I called my "guinea pig" and he caught on. I had his mother in the sessions so she could learn from me. She reported that he jumped two grades in reading in two weeks. I told her to keep it up over the summer. So, I'm impressed.

WONDERFUL, My goddaughter has dyslexia and this helped her mom understand how to relate. I tried to explain the experience as I myself suffer from it. This helped give me the words that were bouncing around in my mind. Anyone giving this a bad review must have no clue as to what it feels like to have this. This little girl is sweet and smart as a whip but they were making her feel stupid with their labels. She is now much happier and making much better progress. I m NOT saying that academics have it ALL wrong but they do miss the mark on how to relate to the people with this condition.If your kid has this you can not go wrong with this book. It will help them as much as you. There is no reason to fear Dyslexia, it's just different way our minds process information.

I purchased both the Audio version and the paperback. It was helpful to go through both. The audio book is helpful because the author reads it and goes through the steps of this process with someone. The paperback is helpful because it gives you script that can be used to help someone with dyslexia. Davis has great insight on this subject and I am amazed how my kids have responded to this process. I highly recommend.

This is an incredible book. It came a little late for me to be able to help 2 of my sons, who have dyslexia, but explains so much.That it is written by a person who has Dyslexia makes it so much more relevant. The teachings can be done by a caring parent at home, for a child, or a loved one for an adult. And now I do understand that it is a true GIFT that can be controlled by the giftee. Thank you Ron Davis. Blessings.

The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis PDF
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The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis PDF

The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis PDF

The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis PDF
The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read...and How They Can Learn, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Ronald D. Davis PDF
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