Ebook Michel Thomas Beginner Japanese, Lesson 5
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Michel Thomas Beginner Japanese, Lesson 5
Ebook Michel Thomas Beginner Japanese, Lesson 5
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 59 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Original recording
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Audible.com Release Date: February 14, 2013
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
I have tried to learn other languages using the Rosetta Stone format and the Pimsleur Method. Although there are positive qualities to each of these formats, I preferred the audio.Pimsleur method because I was able to speak the language with good recall very quickly. With this in mind I tried the Michel Thomas method and was thrilled at my retention of the Japanese language. I believe that when you listen to a foreign language with no worries of reading or writing, you retain it better.When you learn a new language, you want to be able to use it immediately.The phrases you learn are part of everyday speech. If you consider how you learned your native language as a young child, it was just with listening. Proper reading and writing followed with entry into a preschool and kindergarten program. I did well in learning the Italian Rosetta Stone format with pronunciation, reading and writing..but it became an awkward challenge responding to spontaneous conversation. With the Italian Pimsleur Method of just audio phrasing, I visited Italy and people were amazed at my ease of speech. The Michel Thomas Method you are one of three students listening in a classroom.It's a clever way of teaching you a language in an audio format. The main teacher is British, but her accent doesn't impair her teaching techniques. She also has a Japanese linguist with her to reemphasize the proper pronunciation. I'm a beginner, but I really am learning in this format. I've gotten so inspired I'm learning the Japanese Hiragana syllabary at the same time using a library workbook. I've been studying the cds for 2 weeks now and have already reached the 5th cd. I'm looking forward to completing the 1st grouping of Total Japanese and move on to the others in the series. I'm very happy with the program.
Having a Japanese daughter-in-law I have been trying to learn basic Japanese for many years without success.I came across the beginner CD in our local book store and immediately commenced the course - what a surprise that was. In just a few days I was amazed at just how easy it was and I actually finished the entire CD in just a week - AND I actually retained the dialogue. I immediately got onto Amazon and ordered the entire course . I am now commencing the third CD and actually loving the entire experience - and still remembering all the lessons - it has been so easy. My son, daughter-in-law and her parents have just returned to Japan after spending a fortnight with us on holidays and they were amazed at my vocabulary skills I could actually converse with them ( of course very basically) but at least I had the confidence to attempt to talk to them. I recommend this course to everyone - if I can learn a language at my age then anyone can do it. !!!!!!!!
I like the way this study has two students repeat the word(s) being taught. It also builds sentences from the words which is very helpful. The teacher also corrects the students if they pronounce a word incorrectly.
The course is very systematic, the grammar is easy to understand, there is no confusion as the vocabulary is kept to a minimum.
I lived in Japan for several years so have an ear for the language even though I don't speak it much. The Michel Thomas Method (MTM) is probably the best way to learn Japanese, or any language, bar none and this new 2012 version improves on the 2009 version. I have previously tried Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur. My only complaint with MTM is that the lady giving the lesson has a slight British accent when she speaks Japanese and I feel more native speakers are needed to demonstrate proper pronunciation even the teacher is very close. This can be easily be done in the recording studio and with editing in the native speaker. And as a guy, I'd like to hear a Japanese guy speak so I hear very accurately how to speak like a native.
This is the best method for learning the grammar of a language. It won't make you fluent, but it's the best place to start.
I've listened to about 2 CDs so far and I want to claw my eyes out. The pronunciation by everyone is just terrible. The one female "student" is terrible. She doesn't seem to be retaining *anything* the teacher is saying, and her pronunciation is horrible. The male "student" is far better and it seems he's able to retain this information. Having taken Japanese previously before, used books like Japanese For Busy People, Genki and even Rosetta Stone, I'm not honestly seeing how this is helping me. Seeing as I already have an understanding for Japanese, listening to these CDs, it doesn't feel special at all.I got it to listen to while at work, but I find myself more frustrated than actually learning. The pronunciation really gets to me and that's *not* how you pronounce words in Japanese. The teacher isn't bad per se, but her pronunciation is off quite a bit because of her accent. They barely mention any grammar at all, they don't mention that "o" is actually wo, nor do they explain that wo always goes with objects, wa goes with subjects and the "style" of learning seems to be "This is how it is, deal with it". They don't really explain anything, similar to how Rosetta Stone does it, and that never worked for me. I like explanations and the ability to understand. Seeing as how this costs $80 for 8 CDs of an hour each, it doesn't quite feel like I'm getting my moneys worth. :(It may be better for me if they didn't have terrible "students". I get what they're trying to do with having people who don't know it, but have them do it the correct way, I don't need to hear how it doesn't sound. I think I'm going to send this back to Amazon as it really doesn't feel like it's $80.
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